Artist Newcomer Citra Kirana

Name: Citra Kirana
Nickname: Ciki
Kampung Pages: Bogor, West Java
Date of birth: 23 April 1994
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 55 kg

Gossip Tentang Citra Kirana
Recently circulated intimate photo with Citra Kirana Fikar Malik, vocalist Baron Soulmate. There is a relationship between Citra Kirana with Fikar? Is it true they are dating?
When SlideGossip try confirm this news with Fikar, it turns out Citra Kirana are video clips of models designated for Baron Soulmate new song entitled 'Survive'. "Ga have anything to do the same image. He was the model for his new song video clip Baron Soulmate, so yes a professional relationship, not dating, "explained Fikar about this gossip.
Filming a video clip 'Survive' is done around July 2010 and then by taking the location in the city, close to the Museum Fatahillah. Kirana Citra there indeed serve as a model music videos along with all personnel Baron Soulmate, including Fikar the vocalist. And the pictures were taken while shooting video kip song 'Survive'.
Citra Kirana is reportedly close to the actor Andrew Andhika, but highly praised Fikar figure image as an artist. "The image that young girls are very pretty, friendly, shy and really good at acting. Hopefully the image can be a great diva in Indonesia, "said Fikar.
As a vocalist, Fikar Baron Soulmate also hoped the song would come up with the presence of Citra Kirana as a model of music videos. "I think his age is still very young, Image has included a very successful young artists. Hopefully our band video clips can come up with the image in the video clips to us. "
Previous Citra Kirana indeed had become a model Seventeen video for the band entitled 'Best Way'. This song also had hits thanks to Citra Kirana acting in the video clip that touched the hearts of the audience. Hopefully this can be repeated to the tune of 'Survive' was Baron Soulmate.


Safa dan Marwah
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih - Vina
Putri Yang Ditukar - Meisya

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