Bocas Del Toro - One Of 50 Best Yachting Towns

ocas del Toro was recently identified as one of the "50 Best Yachting Towns" in an article published by Yachting Magazine. The Bocas related excerpt from the article reads "Bocas Del Toro, Panama - A nature lover's paradise and one of Panama's most popular tourist spots, Bocas' 5,000 residents are still way outnumbered by the surrounding wildlife. Enjoy the town's laid-back vibe and easy access to the region's nine major islands, 52 keys and roughly 200 tiny islands. There are two marinas for those who want to explore this archipelago's treasures.
And reader Dan Cranney reminded us that "this island archipelago off the Caribbean coast of Panama is one of the few hurricane-free places in the Caribbean." Click the link above to read the full article. Panama has an active and vibrant community of full and part time "cruisers" - and it might just be my impression but it seems like there are many more on the Caribbean side than the Pacific side of Panama. They work their way up and down the coast, from Bocas del Toro to the San Blas islands. Hey, how much fresh lobster can any one person eat, anyway...


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