Aircraft Specifications The Pick up Nazaruddin Very Luxurious

JAKARTA - Interpol Fugitive and former Democratic Party treasurer, Muhammad Nazaruddin, who was caught in Cartegena Colombia has been flown to Indonesia for. But what ever comes to luxury charter plane hired for Rp 4 billion to pick up Nazaruddin? The following are the specifications.

The plane carrying Nazaruddin including Gulfstream jet aircraft types manufactured by Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation. The company itself has produced more than 1,500 aircraft for government, corporate, private and military customers worldwide.
Gulfstream aircraft are carrying Nazaruddin predicted C-37A Gulfstream V which has a seating capacity of six to 12 passengers. Speed ​​Rolls-Royce engine planes made ​​by the United States has reached 950 kilometers per hour. Around the world, this plane is only produced about 182 units.

The aircraft is also commonly used by businesses and the U.S. military and Israel. C-37A Gulfstream V has a flight management system with satellite-based global positioning systems and be able to explore at an altitude of 51 thousand feet above sea level or as high as 16 thousand feet.

If you want to buy this aircraft must first spend of U.S. $ 50 million or around Rp 425 billion. Gulfstream itself in 2008 has produced six new aircraft models. The six types are namely G150, G200, G250, G350/G450, G500/G550, and G650.


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